Monday, March 17, 2008

Oh Kwame...

Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick ended his Tuesday night speech by passionately speaking to every single person who has attacked his family in the past month.

This section of Kwame's speech was allegedly unscripted, and his words came straight from his own mind and heart. Usage of description was key in his attempts to win over his listeners. By referring to the insults and threats hurled at his family as "unethical, illegal lynch mob mentality," he impacted more people. Those words are effective on their own, but by piecing them together, Kwame created an even more heart-hitting statement.

With those heart-hitting statements, Kwame utilized pathos in his speech as well, and it was either his best or worst move. Depending on the listener, Kwame's statements may have made them feel guilty, or they might have simply given his enemies another speech to harass him for. He probably hit everyone's emotions when he said, "...and you can launch a hate-driven bigoted assault on a family." He definitely wanted to make people feel guilty for any unkind words or actions.

Since the AP blog assignment didn't call for our own personal comments about Kwame Kilpatrick's attempt to make the city of Detroit feel sorry for him, I won't post my opinion here. I will, of course, write about it on my other blog.

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