Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ethos in Kym L. Worthy's Speech

Along with the charges facing Kilpatrick and Beatty, Kim L. Worthy gave a powerful speech about the high standards and integrity of the American system of justice. Her use of ethos was obvious throughout the speech. She began by saying, "Only the facts and evidence would lead us." This adds to the integrity and reputation of all those involved in the investigation regarding Kilpatrick and Beatty. The investigators would not come to a solution based on rumor or bias opinion; they would only look at facts and evidence. They took as long as they needed to, because to the men and women involved, doing their job efficiently was more important than reaching a quick decision to please the public and the press. They realize that people’s lives are in their hands. Worthy went on to describe the cornerstone of the Americans system of justice: witnesses.

Witnesses take an oath to tell nothing but the truth, because the people’s lives are literally in their hands. Kym L. Worthy made it clear that Kwame Kilpatrick and Christine Beatty made selfish decisions by using their status to cheat the judicial system. The lives of Gary Brown, Harold Nelthorpe, and Walter Harris were forever changed because of two people’s selfish lies. Kilpatrick and Beatty made a mockery of the integrity of the judicial system. In Worthy’s words, “Witnesses are the backbone, heart, core, soul, and center of the justice system. Without witnesses the American system of justice would totally collapse. Without witnesses we have nothing, justice means nothing and we can do noting for anyone.” By lying under oath, Kwame Kilpatrick and Christine Beatty hindered the ethos of the position of witnesses. Worthy made it clear that an oath is an oath, no matter how high of a position one may hold. Kym Worthy expressed this by using a quote from a man who once held the highest position in American government. Theodore Roosevelt stated, “No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man’s permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor.” If the President of the United States saw that, Kilpatrick and Beatty should learn from his words. After all, “Even children understand that lying is wrong.”

While Kilpatrick and Beatty may have had no respect for the justice system, Worthy made it clear that the investigation and prosecution would be handled by those who have a reputation in the justice system. Of the four names listed, none of them have experienced less than fifteen years of cases. Kilpatrick and Beatty were given a fair investigation, despite their lack of honesty and integrity. Kym L. Worthy provided the public with a fine example of how the American system of justice is upheld by witnesses - witnesses who respect the reputation of not only the American system, but also the reputation of those on trial.

1 comment:

JBrandt said...


I thought these two quotes were fitting in light of your recent visitor to Business Character Values:

For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truthy. II Conrinthians 13:8

This is so great a good that no human heart can grasp it (therefore it necessitates such a great and hard fight). It must not be treated lightly, as the world maintains and many people who do not understand, saying we should not fight so hard about an article and trample on Christian love; rather, although we err on one small point, if we agree on everything else, we should give in and overlook the difference in order to preserve brotherly and Christian unity and fellowship.

No, my dear man, do no recommend to me peace and unity when thereby God’s Word is lost, for then eternal life and everything else would be lost. In this matter there can be no yielding nor giving way, no, not for love of you or any other person, but everything must yield to the Word whether it be friend or foe. The Word was given unto us for eternal life and not to further outward peace and unity. The Word and doctrine will create Christian unity or fellowship. Where thy reign all else will follow.
where they are not no concord will ever abide. Therefore do not talk to me about love and friendship, if that means breaking with the Word, or the faith, for the gospel does not say love brings eternal life, God’s grace and all heavenly treasures, but the Word.
-Martin Luther 1531: W.A. 34 II. 327

Many say, 'Instead of disputing over doctrine so much, we should much rather be concerned with souls and with lead them to Christ.' But all who speak in this way do not really know what they are saying or what they are doing. As foolish as it would be to scold a farmer for being concerned about sowing good seed and to demand of him simply to be concerned about a good harvest, so foolish it is to scold those who are concerned first and foremost with the doctrine, and to demand of them that they should rather seek to rescue souls. For just as the farmer who wants a good crop must first of all be concerned about good seed, so the church must above all be concerned about right doctrine if it would save souls. -- C.F. W. Walther, "Our Common Task: the Saving of Souls" 1872