Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ticketing for Trash

Stephen Henderson shared the story of the Quade family, who recently received a ticket for leaving their garbage out for a little too long. As unfair as this whole situation is, I couldn't help but find it funny, well, in kind of a twisted way. There's drug dealers, murderers, rapists - and the community is concerned with garbage violations. Way to have your priorities straight, Detroit!

Henderson exposed the ridiculousness of this whole situation through his sarcastic irony. He described the Quade's less than clean neighborhood. He explained how ironic it was that the Quade family received a ticket for having trash out, and yet their block and other parts of Detroit pretty much look like a trash can. He also used an ironic example. Tree trimmers came into the subdivision to clean up the bushes, and yet the entire surrounding area is filled with broken down houses and trash. By using irony, Henderson was able to express the comical aspect of the whole situation, while still sending a message that says, "Hey, before you start ticketing people for garbage cans, you might want to pick up the trash in the middle of your public streets."


Michelle =) said...

wow...i used sarcasm in my blog too! I like how yours is straight and to the point. good job! :)

Katie Webb said...

Dear Sarah,
I used Sarcasm as well on my blog. I thought it was very ironic that the teenage population can run around Detroit into abandoned buildings like hooligins, where as innocent senior citizens get fined for setting their trash out a few days early. It's a true shame that Detroit can't get their priorities straight.
Katherine Webb